Harmonizing EMF with
Sacred Geometry

Our Holograms, Pendants and I8UT harmonise EMF from mobile phones/towers and WiFi devices while strengthening your own energy system


The ad illustrates why we use Sacred Geometry as the catalyst to harmonise EMF and why they are the foundational codes of creation for everything organic on this earth. [click here to watch]

You are Electromagnetic

Your body is electromagnetic, all communications within your body are initially conducted via electrical signals which in turn may trigger a chemical/hormone response.

Additionally, your cells have a north and south magnetic polarity, when cells split and divide, a function that happens in your body millions of times every second, half of the nucleus will be attracted to each north/south pole and the cell will then divide at the centre. A disturbance to this polar attraction from external magnetic fields can have devastating effects on how your cells divide and in turn how your biological system functions.

The energy/radiation being absorbed from your environment will have an impact on how your biological system functions and can directly influence your individual health and wellness.

Studies directly link EMF Radiation to abnormal biological processes within your body resulting in dis-ease, dis-order and a range of ailments. EMF’s can directly affect internal cellular communication, heart rate rhythms, metabolic rates, hormone release, stress, impaired brain function, double-strand DNA breaks, and assist breaching of the blood-brain barrier.

EMF Shield cell mitosis 1

3/4/5G + WiFi Protection

With 15 years of research and development in energy medicine and biological processes, we at Mind Body Matrix have formulated a Unity Technology to harmonize the magnetic spin of electromagnetic fields. By harmonizing the magnetic field, it becomes coherent and compatible with organic biology. A massive reduction of 87-98% stress interference within the electrical system and nervous system is recorded via biofeedback muscle testing when using our EMF Shield for Electromagnetic Protection on 3/4/5G and WiFi devices.

EMF Shield is not ‘physically shielding’ EM fields, it offers shielding from the potential harm EMF’s cause by harmonizing the EM field into one which is coherent and in alignment with biology, therefore ‘shielding’ the body from harm. Our EMF Shield interacts with the quality of the field, not quantity of the field so your devices will not loose signal strength and will function correctly. EMF Shield has been offering protection since 2006 using our original and unique Sacred Geometry codes to inform & provide coherence to Electro-Magnetic Radiation.
Infinity 8 Unity Tube - EMF Protection
EMF Shield morphogenetic field 1

The Field

To be in the flow and remain healthy you need to be connected to Nature and the Earths natural electromagnetic field, often referred to as the Schumann Resonance. This resonance is what biology on Earth has evolved with, it is natures very own radio signal operating at a very low 7.83Hz (which is rising). This nature based ‘radio signal’ also correlates and resonates to our brain waves of Alpha/Theta. When we are surrounded by the scattered fields produced by man-made wireless devices, the Schumann Resonance is much harder to detect by the body resulting in miscommunications between cells and your local environment, often emotional agitation sets in. This natural 7.83+Hz signal is produced from the field given off by lightning interacting within the Earth’s surface and the Ionosphere, producing a very low hum to which we are tuned.

British biologist Rupert Sheldrake has confirmed studies into another communication system that all life in the Universe tunes into termed Morphic Resonance, also known as the Morphogenetic Field. Within this field contains the vast majority of information that cells need to create their individuality.

Thankfully the technology in EMF Shield enhances the ability for your body to continue to tune into nature due to the way the codes in EMF Shield influence EMF from mobile phones, WiFi and other wireless communications to override their scattered disturbance into a field that is coherent and in alignment with nature, allowing natures signals to continue being received by the DNA and your internal organic cellular network.

Sacred Geometry:
Codes of Creation

EMF Shield contains a combination of very unique and, for many millennia, closely guarded Secret Symbol Codes. They are the blueprints of Universal Creation and the building blocks of Organic Life, some of which include the Sacred Geometric Platonic Solids: Tetrahedron, Hexahedron, Octahedron, Icosahedron and the Dodecahedron.
Sacred geometry is an ancient science, a sacred language, and a key to understanding the way the Universe is designed.EMF Shield contains information infused with Organic Creation Codes to project a coherent field making incoming electromagnetic radiation from mobile (cell) phones, tablets, laptops, cell towers, WiFi, cordless DECT phones and other wireless devices, coherent and non-intrusive, therefore minimizing the negative impacts to your health.
EMF Protection Steps

Steps for best EMF mitigation and protection


The first step is to identify exposure areas in your home/office and minimising their impact. How close do you sleep to electrical outlets and appliances? How close is your wifi modem to where you sit? How many electrical divices are on your office desk? If available use digital meters or get a professional in to survey your environment for EMF radiation exposure areas.


Distance is your friend when it comes to lowering EMF exposure so keep all electrical appliances and wifi modems/devices far away from where you spend most time. Electrical wiring in the walls and floor can significantly raise your bodies electrical charge. Move electrical cables & appliances away, Do not have a WiFi enabled devices anywhere near where you spend a lot of time, especially the bedroom.


Once you have reduced EMF exposure in your own home and office its time to look at protection tools to harmonise and significantly reduce any remaining EMF by using our EMF Shield Holograms, Pendants and Home devices. Place a hologram on each wireless device, choose a pendant for personal protection in public spaces and place a I8UT in the home for total harmonisation. Staying in coherence is the key, EMF Shield products assist this significantly.


Why choose EMF Shield

Est. 2006

We designed our Sacred Geometry template way back in 2006. At this time our founder, Matt, was fully engaged in producing Vibrational Essences for health and wellbeing via signature vibrations immersed in water which interact with our own electrical system and mind/emotional interface.

Matt had also developed a liquid organic fertiliser incorporating the biodynamic preparations which was put thru a vortex process for 8 hours to bring in cosmic influences, oxygenate the liquid and produce an amazing product for plants, plus he was installing circular organic permaculture gardens into homes.

Understanding the power of shapes that nature uses is key to the development of all of Matt’s products, including the final progression of understanding that led to his investigations into Sacred Geometry and the information these powerful shapes transmit. Hence, the Unity Symbol was developed incorporating 8 specific powerful shapes which form the foundation of our EMF Shield hologram products.

First & Original

We were the first to indentify Sacred Geometry (shape) could be used to counter the negative effects of EMF and develop a product for mitigation

Proven Effective

We have been around for over 15 years promoting the benefits of our Unity symbol not only for its EMF harmonisation effects but its added benefit of increasing ones own connection to source via coherence


EMF Shield founder Matt has a strong connection to nature and spirit which has guided him to craft the specific shapes to create our Unity symbol


We are so confident of our products health benefits that we offer a 100% satisfaction guarantee. Contact us within 7 days to claim an exchange or refund


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