The EMF Shield Protection Pack includes 3 protection items;
- Hologram 3-pack (gold) – protection for all electical and wireless devices
- Unity Pendant (gold) – personal protection
- I8UT – whole house protection
Benefits of the Protection Pack:
* Unity EMF Protection Pendant for personal protection while out and about
* I8UT for harmonization of the whole house
* Hologram 3-pack to harmonize and proctect all your electronic devices
* Electromagnetic Radiation Protection
* Communicates Organic Creation Codes to every cell in your body
* Connection to the Divine Blueprint
* Increased body electrical strength
* Improved balance
* Improved concentration and focus
* Overall Health and Well-being
Please refer to our individal listings for more information on each of the items in this pack.
Purchase the Protection Pack and recieve the best price on these essential EMF Shield products when purchased as a pack.
Care of your EMF Shield products
The pendant has glass components, treat it with care as to reduce the chance of scratching or breakage. It is advised to not get your EMF Shield products wet from water or sweat.
The holograms may fade when exposed to moisure/acids (sewat) on hands, protect accordingly.
Keep the I8UT away from moisture and place in the centre of the area to be harmonized.
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