EMF DNA Presentation
EMF DNA Presentation (powerpoint) Right click the link and Save As for a powerpoint presentation on the effects of Electromagnetic fields and how they impact DNA and cellular biology.
EMF DNA Presentation (powerpoint) Right click the link and Save As for a powerpoint presentation on the effects of Electromagnetic fields and how they impact DNA and cellular biology.
Peer reviewed studies show Oxidative Stress with Wireless Communications 92% of peer reviewed studies on ROS (Reactive Oxygen Species – that includes us Humans) suggests precautionary measures are needed to reduce excessive RF exposure even at non-thermal levels. In the peer reviewed editorial “Low intensity radio-frequency radiation: a new oxidant for living cells” in the scientific journal “Oxidants and Antioxidants in Medical Science” on March 29th 2014 a group Scientists reported that of 80 studies, they had assessed, 92.5 % (76 studies) confirmed that mechanisms of inflicting cellular damage happened
You may have heard Nassim Haramein mention the phenomenon known as “phantom DNA” in one of his presentations. It has been found that DNA can send ‘electromagnetic imprints’ of itself into distant cells and fluids which can then be used by enzymes to create copies of the original DNA, a process known as ‘replication at a distance’. Special light can be used to ‘casts a shadow of a DNA fragment” on to the medium that DNA needs to be in for it to function: water. Perhaps water is able to
The foundational structure of all atoms in the Universe is the Tube Torus. In this video snippet Foster Gamble discusses this Fundamental Geometric Construct. Geometry really is the basis of the Universe and all it contains…. including You! Excerpt from the Thrive movie
RESONANCE is a Sensational Eye Opening Documentary that examines 60 years of scientific research, to uncover for the very first time, the actual mechanisms by which mobile phone technology can cause cancer. And, how every single one of us is reacting to the biggest change in environment this planet has ever seen. Two billion years ago life first arrived on this planet; a planet, filled with a it’s own beautiful natural frequency. As life slowly evolved, it tuned into this surrounding frequency and thrived. By the time mankind arrived on
The structure of space-time is a quantized infinite scalar Flower of Life lattice. In other words, space itself is made of discreet super tiny tiny tiny packets of energy: the smallest little vibration that the electromagnetic spectrum does. These tiny packets are what you could think of as the “pixels” that make up the universe and since they are not square, but spherical, they are actually called “voxels”. First discovered by Max Planck, the smallest distance you can possibly measure is the length of this universal fundamental wave-from called the
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